Mountain.(マウンテン in Japanese.)
バッテンボー(Button and Ribbon)♪
American Pie by Don Mclean.
・・・ということで、探してみたらいい記事があった。 ↓
American Pie
Don McLean
(2003.10.14 歌詞を公式サイトのものに。ほとんど変わってませんが
次のページも読んで下さい。少し追加しました) →掟破りの詞の註釈
A long long time ago
I can still remember how that music used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those people dance
And maybe they'd be happy for a while.
But February made me shiver
With every paper I'd deliver
Bad news on the doorstep
I couldn't take one more step
I can't remember if I cried
When I read about his widowed bride
But something touched me deep inside
The day the music died
So bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry
And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die
Did you write the Book of Love
And do you have faith in God above
If the Bible tells you so
Do you believe in rock 'n roll
Can music save your mortal soul
And can you teach me how to dance real slow
Well, I know that you're in love with him
'Cause I saw you dancin' in the gym
You both kicked off your shoes
Man, I dig those rhythm and blues
I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck
With a pink carnation and a pickup truck
But I knew I was out of luck
The day the music died
I started singin',
Bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry
And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die
Now for ten years we've been on our own
And moss grows fat on a rollin' stone
But that's not how it used to be
When the jester sang for the King and Queen
In a coat he borrowed from James Dean
And a voice that came from you and me
Oh, and while the King was looking down
The jester stole his thorny crown
The courtroom was adjourned
No verdict was returned
And while Lenin read a book of Marx
The quartet practiced in the park
And we sang dirges in the dark
The day the music died
We were singing,
Bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry
And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die
Helter Skelter in a summer swelter
The birds flew off with a fallout shelter
Eight miles high and falling fast
It landed foul out on the grass
The players tried for a forward pass
With the jester on the sidelines in a cast
Now the half-time air was sweet perfume
While the Sergeants played a marching tune
We all got up to dance
Oh, but we never got the chance
'Cause the players tried to take the field
The marching band refused to yield
Do you recall what was revealed
The day the music died
We started singing,
Bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry
And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die
Oh, and there we were all in one place
A generation Lost in Space
With no time left to start again
So come on, Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack Flash sat on a candlestick
'Cause fire is the Devil's only friend
Oh, and as I watched him on the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage
No angel born in hell
Could break that Satan's spell
And as the flames climbed high into the night
To light the sacrificial rite
I saw Satan laughing with delight
The day the music died
He was singing,
Bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry
And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die
I met a girl who sang the blues
And I asked her for some happy news
But she just smiled and turned away
I went down to the sacred store
Where I'd heard the music years before
But the man there said the music woudn't play
And in the streets the children screamed
The lovers cried, and the poets dreamed
But not a word was spoken
The church bells all were broken
And the three men I admire most
The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost
They caught the last train for the coast
The day the music died
And they were singing,
Bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry
And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die
They were singing bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry
Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die
訳 :Yasuo Okuri
American Pie 解説
Kuri, Kipple (2003.04.29追加改訂)
A long, long time ago...
I can still remember
How that music used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those people dance
And, maybe, they'd be happy for a while.
つまり10余年という年月が経っているので "A long, long time ago..." なのだ。
But February made me shiver
With every paper I'd deliver.
Bad news on the doorstep;
I couldn't take one more step.
I can't remember if I cried
When I read about his widowed bride,
But something touched me deep inside
The day the music died.
この時乗っていた飛行機の名前が "American Pie" だったという説があるが、これはドンが珍しく否定している。
So bye-bye, Miss American Pie.
Drove my chevy to the levee,
But the levee was dry.
個人的には、Guess Whoというバンドの曲 "American Woman" を連想せずにはいられない。そっちの曲はあからさまにアメリカに対する告別だ。
"Chevy" はシボレーのこと。"levee" は堤防や土手、波止場のこと。
"Drove my chevy to the levee" 50年代のTVのシボレーのCMから。
ダイナ・ショア歌うところのジングル "Drove your chevy to the levee"「シボレーに乗って川辺(などの自然)に行こう!」という感じ。シボレーは50年代アメリカ中流家庭のシンボルだった。
"the levee was dry"で、「アルコールなしのパーティー」も連想できるが、それだとこの連と次の連の文脈が破綻する。
And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin', "This'll be the day that I die.
"This'll be the day that I die."
"good old boys" 南部の言い回しで「何らかのグループの熱心な構成員」のような意味を持つ。
多くの意見では、映画"Mississippi Burning"の元となった事件の3人の犠牲者のこと、とされる。公民権運動の推進者たちで、KKKに殺害され、"levee"で発見された。
"This'll be the day that I die." → ホリーズのヒット曲 "That'll be the Day" の歌詞の一節、"That'll be the day that I die" より。
さて、日本語でAmerican Pieに触れているいくつかのサイトで、この部分が「僕が死ぬはずがない」のように訳されている。確かに "That'll be the day that I die" ならばそうだろう。しかし"This'll be the day that I die." なのだ。Donがなぜこう書いたのか、少し考えて見るべきだと思う。
Did you write the Book of Love,
And do you have faith in God above,
If the bible tells you so?
Now do you believe in rock 'n roll,
Can music save your mortal soul,
And can you teach me how to dance real slow?
"Book of Love"は通常はBibleのことだが、あとでbibleそのものが出てくるので、ここではひねった意味と考える。
1980年代ではなく(ABC!!)、1958年のヒット曲に同名のものがある(the Monotones)。
Well, I know that you're in love with him
`Cause I saw you dancin' in the gym.
You both kicked off your shoes.
Man, I dig those rhythm and blues.
欧米人が「靴を脱ぐ」行為は、日本人が思うよりかなり重い行為であるにもかかわらず、当時のハイスクールの "prom" では、体育館の床を傷めないように、靴を脱いだ。
反抗精神の一種か。"sock hop" と言われる。
I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck
With a pink carnation and a pickup truck,
But I knew I was out of luck
The day the music died.
"broncin'"は "bronco" から派生した形容。「荒れ馬、跳ね馬」。転じて「粗暴な少年」あたりか。
ただし、普通の人は "bucking bronco" と書くかも知れない。
"pink carnation" → Marty Robbins の57年のヒット "A White Sport Coat (With a Pink Carnation)" から。
白いスポーツ・シャツとピンクのカーネーション。僕はブルー…」 たわいない。
"pickup truck" これが未だによく分からないのだけれど、なんだかテキサス州では、ピックアップは「性的な自由」を象徴するものらしい。カーxxx のこと?
Now for ten years we've been on our own
And moss grows fat on a rollin' stone,
But that's not how it used to be.
"rolling stone" →
Muddy Water "Roling Stone Blues"
The Rolling Stones
Bob Dylan "Like a Rolling Stone"
"jester" は多分ボブ・ディランのこと。
When the jester sang for the King and Queen,
In a coat he borrowed from James Dean
And a voice that came from you and me,
とても参考になる出来事として、マーチン・ルーサー・キングのある集会に当時の大統領、J. F. ケネディとジャッキー(ファーストレディ)が招待されていて、そこでディランが歌った、ということがあげられる。
となると "The King" は二重の意味になる。
"coat" はディーンが着ていた赤いウィンド・ブレーカーだろう。
ディランのアルバム "The Free Wheelin' " のジャケはディーンのある写真そっくりに撮られている。
Oh, and while the King was looking down,
The jester stole his thorny crown.
The courtroom was adjourned;
No verdict was returned.
And while Lenin read a book on Marx,
The quartet practiced in the park,
And we sang dirges in the dark
The day the music died.
Helter Skelter in a summer swelter.
The birds flew off with a fallout shelter,
Eight miles high and falling fast.
It landed foul on the grass.
The players tried for a forward pass,
With the jester on the sidelines in a cast.
"Helter Skelter"ももちろんビートルズのいわくつきの曲。
"The birds"は「ザ・バーズ (The Byrds)」か。
"Eight Miles High" The Byrds の曲。ドラッグとの関連での初の放送禁止を食らう。
ちなみにビートルズの "Helter-Skelter" の歌詞の一節を抜き出すと →
"I'm coming down fast , but I'm miles above you."
Now the half-time air was sweet perfume
While the Sergeants played a marching tune.
We all got up to dance,
Oh, but we never got the chance!
`Cause the players tried to take the field;
The marching band refused to yield.
Do you recall what was revealed
The day the music died?
「甘ったるい香水」は(デモの)催涙ガスか? あるいはマリファナの香り?
Oh, and there we were all in one place,
A generation lost in space
With no time left to start again.
So come on: Jack be nimble, Jack be quick!
Jack Flash sat on a candlestick
Cause fire is the Devil's only friend.
ジャックはミック・ジャガーだろうな。"Jumpin' Jack Flash"という曲もあることだし。
Oh, and as I watched him on the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage.
No angel born in hell
Could break that Satan's spell.
And as the flames climbed high into the night
To light the sacrificial rite,
I saw Satan laughing with delight
The day the music died
アメリカでライブをやったとき、当時のバリバリの暴走族、"Hell's Angels"に「会場警備」を依頼したエピソードがある。
I met a girl who sang the blues
And I asked her for some happy news,
But she just smiled and turned away.
I went down to the sacred store
Where I'd heard the music years before,
But the man there said the music wouldn't play.
「ブルースを歌う女の子」はジャニス・ジョップリンと考えていいと思う。麻薬の打ち過ぎでいきなり死んでしまった(turned away)し。
"sacred store" 当時の小さなレコード店のこと。何故そう呼ばれるかは知らない。
And in the streets: the children screamed,
The lovers cried, and the poets dreamed.
But not a word was spoken;
The church bells all were broken.
And the three men I admire most:
The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost,
They caught the last train for the coast
The day the music died.
さて、"American Pie"は歌詞であり、詩である。だから前ページの拙訳(できる限り限定していない訳にしてあるが)のみを鵜呑みにしては、いけない、のだ。自分なりの解釈・想像が絶対に必要なのだ、知ろうとするとき。そのためには、このページの情報も参考にして、ぜひご自分で訳してみることだ。この詩には、いくつも重ねられた意味が隠されている。ここに書いていないことがらもある。
註 : 奥利泰夫
Rei Nakanishi , the famous composer criticized Prime Minister Abe severely.(2)
Rei Nakanishi , the famous composer criticized Prime Minister Abe severely.(1)
Is IE fragile?
Right People in Web.
`Cause it`s Black.
Copy & Past.
A Korean passenger ship sank.
What means a charity dame in English?
Ichiro Ozawa goes?
以下は【日刊ゲンダイ】からの引用です。 ↓
2014年4月21日 掲載
Yahoo translation ↓
It is quotation from [daily publication Gendai] as follows. ↓
It is an expectation theory from the ruling party … The opposition party reorganization that Ichiro Ozawa sets for retirement readiness
April 21, 2014 publication
Spirit eaves high /(C) daily publication gene die
As a politician, does it become the last big job? The possibility that representative Ichiro Ozawa (71) of "the party of the life" set the political reorganization came out.
For Ozawa, there was an event to point out a person end in a pending problem recently. On this month 3, I gathered in a hall with three former secretaries under an accusation of Mt. land society case. Since a case, it is the first thing.
Secretary Hajime Ikeda passes a licensed tax accountant examination, and it is said that new work seems to be decided on Secretary great Hajimu Kubo. One Secretary Gen Ishikawa whom I continue trying only enters the Hosei University graduate school from this spring. It is said that an Italian bar of platinum drank up a meeting, wine at the night of the entrance ceremony.
I understood that a former secretary did his/her best forward, and Ozawa should have taken a load off its mind. In this, I can devote myself to a political activity to one's heart's content. It may begin to work for opposition party reorganization in earnest.
"I come to here, and "the Ozawa expectation theory increases", too". This is because Ozawa is the only a politician with the physical strength that only settles scattered opposition parties. In the Democratic Party, there are people telling "still to want to never pair with only Ozawa", then are people having an antipathy to Ozawa in that way that an opposition party is gathered up? In fact, a voice to expect of Ozawa comes out of the New Komeito of the ruling party. It is limited that I can do it in the ruling party to stop reckless driving of the Abe Administration and will want the opposition party to try it hard. If an opposition party is gathered up, as for the method to give damage in the government, in the present opposition party, it is too deplorable to be how much. Therefore it is a turn of Ozawa (political journalist, Tetsuo Suzuki)
Ozawa leaves the party of the life in order to accomplish opposition party reorganization, and both becoming independent and the story thinking about reach it. I seem to intend to sacrifice oneself if opposition party reorganization does not advance by "an allergy to Ozawa". If opposition party reorganization is realized, it is said that I am determined to be allowed to make "politics retirement" at a limit in this term.
Actually, "life" and "the merger" of "the democracy" will advance at a stretch if Ozawa leaves the party. I realize the opposition party concentration centering on there.
"Ozawa understands that I receive bashing of the media when oneself appears on the front". Even a former election for governor of Tokyo said, "the thing to succeed in if oneself appeared on the face did not go" and put my heart and soul into logistical support. If I do not want to become the Prime Minister now, and one's existence becomes a hindrance, and opposition party reorganization does not advance, I will think that you may get out of a line. I think that it is the state that I want to merely make the last big job for Japanese democracy now (appearance before Tetsuo Suzuki =)
I want Ozawa who took the nickname of "the breakage shop" to disturb dictatorship of the Abe Liberal Democratic Party.
The above quotation end.
I care about Ozawa さんもまあ, neighboring fools and am serious.
Will it be a story of the "breakage shop" ったってそれは youth?
Does the New Komeito expect it of Ozawa? Hey, this is a suspicious thing. It is where I interrupt it and shudder with for fear of junction of revolution and all here [the ruling party]. I should break off a coalition rather if I expect it.
That's why therefore [unaffiliated voters of the whole country] as the greatest multitude tries it hard, and no use, please all throw [a little over one many weak] into the trash box with all the filth of these history included in unison!
1.こんにちわ。 日本語。
2.你好。 中国語。
3.Hello. 英語。
4.안녕하세요。 韓国語。
5.Oi. ポルトガル語。
4.は【アンニョン ハシムニカ】と読む。アンニョンは漢語で【安寧】と書く。「安寧でいらっしゃいますか」という意味だろうと思う。別れの挨拶でもこの「安寧」は使う。「アンニョンヒ ケーシプシオ」(去る人に対して)と「アンニョンヒ カシプシオ」(その場に留まる人に対して)だ。親しい人同士では単に「アンニョン!」で別れる。
5.は【オイ】と読む。「こんにちわ」に限ったことではなく、ブラジル人はしばしばこの呼び掛けを使う。Oi以外では【Boa tarde】が【こんにちわ】で「ボア タジ」と発音する。英語の【Good afternoon】であるが、これを【ボア タールデ♪】などと発音すると「スペイン語みたいだ」と笑われてしまうだろう。w
I use Yahoo translation today.
1. Hello. Japanese.
2. A 你 enthusiast. Chinese.
3. Hello. English.
4. 안녕하세요. Korean.
5. Oi. Portuguese.
2. I think that everybody knows that I read with は [ニイハオ]. It will be the meaning that "how you are" (as for you).
3. It is は hello. The hello is not limited to "hello".
4. I read with は [アンニョンハシムニカ]. I write アンニョン as [tranquility] in a Chinese word. I think that it will be a meaning whether "come by tranquility". This "tranquility" uses even the goodbye. It is "アンニョンヒケーシプシオ" (for a last person) and "アンニョンヒカシプシオ" (for a person staying in the place). I merely part in close people in "アンニョン".
5. I read with は [オイ]. Not having been limited to "hello", the Brazilian often uses this appeal. [Boa tarde] pronounces it "ボアタジ" in [hello] any place other than Oi. Is English [Good afternoon],; but this [when "is like Spanish when pronounce it ボアタールデ ♪】," will be laughed.] w
Sasai interview.
Because I was not interested, I passed the yesterday's Sasai interview, but it is likely that I exceed a plan of 2 hours for one and a half hours and was performed. This is because questions to get to the point from the press corps rushed.
It is that Institute of Physical and Chemical Research was a group as it is whispered the community to be only one of a right group wanting it for money going down after all by 官 to have felt me to be to see the news after it becomes after it.
When it was Sasai to have selected 小保方 very much, and she was troubled with the place to stay by circumstances, I let Sasai let her freeload at one's laboratory for half a year and continue an experiment. However, the Ogura emcee of the subsidiary of wisteria this morning pointed this out if the evasive answer (?) "that I wrote an article, and oneself did not join the team until the final stage of the advance" was strange.
When Sasai feels a fret when "a point was spent" for winning Nobel Prize of Kyoto University, Professor Yamanaka who is a rival and might jump onto a study of 小保方 going over Professor Yamanaka in it in a hurry, this is the question that flew from the yesterday's press corps. Of course, Sasai could not accept such an indication and did and "we trusted it" incoherent way of answering. Besides, it seemed to be an explanation to cover a fault of etc. oneself who "did not watch it because it proved right rudely to demand that I showed a notebook" throughout. He usually wears [Institute of Physical and Chemical Research badge] which I do not attach for an interview so good, and it means that I went. Oneself showed that it was a member of Institute of Physical and Chemical Research some other time at a public place and it was too late for the main member of the article, however did a role as [top batter] as an argument to 小保方会見 of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research side.
Appeared on television, self-styled [commentator], standing kept appreciating Sasai with [a style stone is clear-headed!] using flattery without exception for Institute of Physical and Chemical Research. Sasai was surely good at the cunning cunning which protected one's body,; but no longer. I withdraw an article, and does Sasai insisting that I bring back STAP study to square one once and drive out 小保方 from the seat of the leader and rebuild a study want to be called even [oneself on the next turn!]? And I expect it when I want to transfer [STAP cell discovery] to one's achievements if things go well. What is this not the greedy plan of the Noyori - Sasai school?
As for 小保方, a ladder was taken off by the boss to trust (?). The reason why I refused that she spoke of patent right so and so and clarified [study secrets] and minute [How To] of the experiment was that I was afraid of this [usurption of the result] by the bosses.
She accepts smoothly the invitation of the Buchan D professor (if there are special circumstances not to be able to return, anyway) and should come back to Cambridge University of Boston. I think that this will be the burr which is a difference in an example of obvious [brain drain], Institute of Physical and Chemical Research or the upper government and much than [I tap a hand] better choice
It is that Institute of Physical and Chemical Research was a group as it is whispered the community to be only one of a right group wanting it for money going down after all by 官 to have felt me to be to see the news after it becomes after it.
When it was Sasai to have selected 小保方 very much, and she was troubled with the place to stay by circumstances, I let Sasai let her freeload at one's laboratory for half a year and continue an experiment. However, the Ogura emcee of the subsidiary of wisteria this morning pointed this out if the evasive answer (?) "that I wrote an article, and oneself did not join the team until the final stage of the advance" was strange.
When Sasai feels a fret when "a point was spent" for winning Nobel Prize of Kyoto University, Professor Yamanaka who is a rival and might jump onto a study of 小保方 going over Professor Yamanaka in it in a hurry, this is the question that flew from the yesterday's press corps. Of course, Sasai could not accept such an indication and did and "we trusted it" incoherent way of answering. Besides, it seemed to be an explanation to cover a fault of etc. oneself who "did not watch it because it proved right rudely to demand that I showed a notebook" throughout. He usually wears [Institute of Physical and Chemical Research badge] which I do not attach for an interview so good, and it means that I went. Oneself showed that it was a member of Institute of Physical and Chemical Research some other time at a public place and it was too late for the main member of the article, however did a role as [top batter] as an argument to 小保方会見 of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research side.
Appeared on television, self-styled [commentator], standing kept appreciating Sasai with [a style stone is clear-headed!] using flattery without exception for Institute of Physical and Chemical Research. Sasai was surely good at the cunning cunning which protected one's body,; but no longer. I withdraw an article, and does Sasai insisting that I bring back STAP study to square one once and drive out 小保方 from the seat of the leader and rebuild a study want to be called even [oneself on the next turn!]? And I expect it when I want to transfer [STAP cell discovery] to one's achievements if things go well. What is this not the greedy plan of the Noyori - Sasai school?
As for 小保方, a ladder was taken off by the boss to trust (?). The reason why I refused that she spoke of patent right so and so and clarified [study secrets] and minute [How To] of the experiment was that I was afraid of this [usurption of the result] by the bosses.
She accepts smoothly the invitation of the Buchan D professor (if there are special circumstances not to be able to return, anyway) and should come back to Cambridge University of Boston. I think that this will be the burr which is a difference in an example of obvious [brain drain], Institute of Physical and Chemical Research or the upper government and much than [I tap a hand] better choice
Philosophy of the Enlightenment
例文がうまく出来なかったきらいはあるが、以下に記すのが今日の【翻訳コーナー】である。 ↓
これを今日はgoogle翻訳にかけた。短文は得意なようである。w ↓
Idea to put yourself in the place raised himself that bestow tell people to A whip that is under or say even a self-proclaimed Enlightenment, is not a valid way of thinking, such as.
And this is Yahoo translation. ↓
There is did not do an example sentence well, avoiding it, but it is today's to write below down [translation corner]. ↓
= = = = = = = = = = = =
It is not an effective way of thinking whether oneself puts the body in the place that one step is high in, and the idea to grant teaching to the ignorant people whom there is below says even with the self-styled philosophy of the Enlightenment.
I bet this on google translation today. I seem to be good at the short sentence. w ↓
Idea to put yourself in the place raised himself that bestow tell people to A whip that is under or say even a self-proclaimed Enlightenment, is not a valid way of thinking, such as.
I do not know whether this is correct.
I read the article of the street speech of Kiyomi Tsujimoto somewhere yesterday, and it is this [, as for the illuminism, useless] idea to have felt me to be. The present Democrats are shameless, and all are poisoned by these all illuminism. Tsujimoto is no exception.
To them [are you such smart?] It is the place where I want to say 】.
They are convinced that it is their abilities だ, an outstanding job that I win a great victory in election, and made the seat of the government without permission, but it is terrible arrogance once.
As a result that power of we anti-Liberal Democratic Party was combined with the maintenance layer that selected as [do not vote for the Liberal Democratic Party only this time] wonderfully (by the wise strategy, tactics of Ozawa); Representative worthless Democratic Party (by mistake!) I was elected in large quantities. And most of them were rejected fairly this time three years three months later. The own result that I traded if public is this. The Democratic Party leading Noda is that Abe is the biological parent of the government pop.
Myself am still principle Ozawa support, but seem to have a character that Ozawa is disliked very much by a subordinate. All the people who shared an action with Ozawa are separated from him once.
Make a tag once once; "Governor Kada of Shiga that answered 使 えませんよ ♪" including a central bureaucrat and a question of the press corps if cannot manage Ozawa hears a bad reputation of Ozawa everywhere, and there will be an anything reason in what admired" when "did not think that is avoided that much".
It was effective in those days, but how about the catch copy which let the Democratic Party, "the life of the nation is first" win a great victory now?
It is invalid, and any place whether you are with not saying I clogged up think now because any political party says it even if I cling to such a past departed soul forever. Therefore I do not like the naming called "the party of the life" either.
これを今日はgoogle翻訳にかけた。短文は得意なようである。w ↓
Idea to put yourself in the place raised himself that bestow tell people to A whip that is under or say even a self-proclaimed Enlightenment, is not a valid way of thinking, such as.
And this is Yahoo translation. ↓
There is did not do an example sentence well, avoiding it, but it is today's to write below down [translation corner]. ↓
= = = = = = = = = = = =
It is not an effective way of thinking whether oneself puts the body in the place that one step is high in, and the idea to grant teaching to the ignorant people whom there is below says even with the self-styled philosophy of the Enlightenment.
I bet this on google translation today. I seem to be good at the short sentence. w ↓
Idea to put yourself in the place raised himself that bestow tell people to A whip that is under or say even a self-proclaimed Enlightenment, is not a valid way of thinking, such as.
I do not know whether this is correct.
I read the article of the street speech of Kiyomi Tsujimoto somewhere yesterday, and it is this [, as for the illuminism, useless] idea to have felt me to be. The present Democrats are shameless, and all are poisoned by these all illuminism. Tsujimoto is no exception.
To them [are you such smart?] It is the place where I want to say 】.
They are convinced that it is their abilities だ, an outstanding job that I win a great victory in election, and made the seat of the government without permission, but it is terrible arrogance once.
As a result that power of we anti-Liberal Democratic Party was combined with the maintenance layer that selected as [do not vote for the Liberal Democratic Party only this time] wonderfully (by the wise strategy, tactics of Ozawa); Representative worthless Democratic Party (by mistake!) I was elected in large quantities. And most of them were rejected fairly this time three years three months later. The own result that I traded if public is this. The Democratic Party leading Noda is that Abe is the biological parent of the government pop.
Myself am still principle Ozawa support, but seem to have a character that Ozawa is disliked very much by a subordinate. All the people who shared an action with Ozawa are separated from him once.
Make a tag once once; "Governor Kada of Shiga that answered 使 えませんよ ♪" including a central bureaucrat and a question of the press corps if cannot manage Ozawa hears a bad reputation of Ozawa everywhere, and there will be an anything reason in what admired" when "did not think that is avoided that much".
It was effective in those days, but how about the catch copy which let the Democratic Party, "the life of the nation is first" win a great victory now?
It is invalid, and any place whether you are with not saying I clogged up think now because any political party says it even if I cling to such a past departed soul forever. Therefore I do not like the naming called "the party of the life" either.
About Haruko Obokata.
以下はasahi.comからの引用です。 ↓
And "Mr.Yahoo Translation", do work please. ↓
It is quotation from asahi.com as follows. ↓
= = = = = = = = = = = =
"There was not an interview Sasai of Institute of Physical and Chemical Research an experiment notebook opportunity to look"
April 16, 2014 15:40
By the issue of article of the STAP cell, one of the main authors, the Yoshiki Sasai vice-center head of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research outbreak, reproduction scientific general research center opened the press conference in Tokyo on the afternoon of 16th. I did not deny existence saying, "I could not explain that a premise did not do STAP phenomenon" about STAP cell.
[special feature] STAP cell article
Sasai acted as the part of instruction of the 小保方晴子 unit leader. When it "apologized by an interview heartily to have caused very big confusion and much worry by the disagreement (I chip), a doubt about an article," I lowered the head.
Because it was the experiment that 小保方氏 and others went for before oneself is concerned, I explain the doubt of the article when oneself was not able to see it through. In addition, I did it because 小保方氏 had an independent laboratory when there was not it at an opportunity to watch it about raw data and the notebook of the experiment.
Sasai "is not the subordinate under direct control of the laboratory" (in 小保方氏). I told, the impudent request that made a graduate student was difficult practically.
= = = = = = = = = = = =
The above quotation end.
I say Noyori and this good vice-director and it seems to be excellence for a scientist, but must not select such person and others as a manager because the human being management of the subordinate is incompetent, and it is not possible at all. I do indifference in [OK,OK,It's no problem♪] until some problem happens and put it and do only an excuse naggingly this time when anything trouble gets up once. Do you not think that it is shameful?
Because the phenomenon that is such distorted (distorted) often gets up in the person relationship, community of a shared territorial bond of Japan, I am troubled.
And "Mr.Yahoo Translation", do work please. ↓
It is quotation from asahi.com as follows. ↓
= = = = = = = = = = = =
"There was not an interview Sasai of Institute of Physical and Chemical Research an experiment notebook opportunity to look"
April 16, 2014 15:40
By the issue of article of the STAP cell, one of the main authors, the Yoshiki Sasai vice-center head of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research outbreak, reproduction scientific general research center opened the press conference in Tokyo on the afternoon of 16th. I did not deny existence saying, "I could not explain that a premise did not do STAP phenomenon" about STAP cell.
[special feature] STAP cell article
Sasai acted as the part of instruction of the 小保方晴子 unit leader. When it "apologized by an interview heartily to have caused very big confusion and much worry by the disagreement (I chip), a doubt about an article," I lowered the head.
Because it was the experiment that 小保方氏 and others went for before oneself is concerned, I explain the doubt of the article when oneself was not able to see it through. In addition, I did it because 小保方氏 had an independent laboratory when there was not it at an opportunity to watch it about raw data and the notebook of the experiment.
Sasai "is not the subordinate under direct control of the laboratory" (in 小保方氏). I told, the impudent request that made a graduate student was difficult practically.
= = = = = = = = = = = =
The above quotation end.
I say Noyori and this good vice-director and it seems to be excellence for a scientist, but must not select such person and others as a manager because the human being management of the subordinate is incompetent, and it is not possible at all. I do indifference in [OK,OK,It's no problem♪] until some problem happens and put it and do only an excuse naggingly this time when anything trouble gets up once. Do you not think that it is shameful?
Because the phenomenon that is such distorted (distorted) often gets up in the person relationship, community of a shared territorial bond of Japan, I am troubled.
Kouno visited China.
以下はMSN産経ニュースからの引用です。 ↓
安倍政権「障害もたらす」 中国副首相が批判 経済とは切り離しも
2014.4.16 00:13 [中国]
《政経分離》って最後には結局《そうは言っても政治と経済は切り離せないでしょ?》ってとこに落ち着くんだけどね。 だって、仲の悪い国同士が商売だけは仲良くしようなんてあり得ないもんね。w
And let's try to translate by Yahoo! ↓
It is quotation from MSN Sankei news as follows. ↓
= = = = = = = = = = = =
The Abe Administration Chinese deputy prime minister who "drips the obstacle" with the criticism economy as for separating it
2014.4.16 00:13 [China]
Chinese 汪洋副首相 (commercial affairs charge) talked together in visit to China corps and Beijing of the Japan international trade promotion association where the Yohei Kawano former Speaker of the House of Representatives acted as a chairperson on 15th and criticized Prime Minister Shinzo Abe by name when "the way of the Abe government brought the moral and material obstacle of most" (in Japan-China relations).
Only "the Chinese government does not watch the economic world in one with a Japanese administrator". The Japanese nation emphasizes, it is similar. The economy and the culture, the young interchange showed the thought to push forward positively constant degree, a limit apart with the Japanese-Chinese political opposition.
In 汪氏, "a Japanese administrator lacks the recognition that strategic, is long-term". I did an unpleasant thing to China and the Asian people and criticized it when it adversely affected economy of the middle day.
I accepted it after having explained a basic posture of the Japanese Government where Kawano followed Murayama statement in acknowledgment of the history of the aggression when "I am sorry, but it wanted you to trust it by all means because you made eager efforts so that in future postwar order did not collapse that doubt came out" (in China). (jointly)
= = = = = = = = = = = =
The above quotation end.
《 separation of political and economical problems 》 kana ?w where this is new
Even if 《 separation of political and economical problems 》 said so 《 finally after all, I could not separate politics and the economy and crossed arrival at 》 ってとこに omission. Well, an unfriendly country fellow is the thing that only the business does not get intimacy くしようなんてあり. w
・ ・ Is anything, or the last translation is strange, but it's OK,maybe.
安倍政権「障害もたらす」 中国副首相が批判 経済とは切り離しも
2014.4.16 00:13 [中国]
《政経分離》って最後には結局《そうは言っても政治と経済は切り離せないでしょ?》ってとこに落ち着くんだけどね。 だって、仲の悪い国同士が商売だけは仲良くしようなんてあり得ないもんね。w
And let's try to translate by Yahoo! ↓
It is quotation from MSN Sankei news as follows. ↓
= = = = = = = = = = = =
The Abe Administration Chinese deputy prime minister who "drips the obstacle" with the criticism economy as for separating it
2014.4.16 00:13 [China]
Chinese 汪洋副首相 (commercial affairs charge) talked together in visit to China corps and Beijing of the Japan international trade promotion association where the Yohei Kawano former Speaker of the House of Representatives acted as a chairperson on 15th and criticized Prime Minister Shinzo Abe by name when "the way of the Abe government brought the moral and material obstacle of most" (in Japan-China relations).
Only "the Chinese government does not watch the economic world in one with a Japanese administrator". The Japanese nation emphasizes, it is similar. The economy and the culture, the young interchange showed the thought to push forward positively constant degree, a limit apart with the Japanese-Chinese political opposition.
In 汪氏, "a Japanese administrator lacks the recognition that strategic, is long-term". I did an unpleasant thing to China and the Asian people and criticized it when it adversely affected economy of the middle day.
I accepted it after having explained a basic posture of the Japanese Government where Kawano followed Murayama statement in acknowledgment of the history of the aggression when "I am sorry, but it wanted you to trust it by all means because you made eager efforts so that in future postwar order did not collapse that doubt came out" (in China). (jointly)
= = = = = = = = = = = =
The above quotation end.
《 separation of political and economical problems 》 kana ?w where this is new
Even if 《 separation of political and economical problems 》 said so 《 finally after all, I could not separate politics and the economy and crossed arrival at 》 ってとこに omission. Well, an unfriendly country fellow is the thing that only the business does not get intimacy くしようなんてあり. w
・ ・ Is anything, or the last translation is strange, but it's OK,maybe.
Ⅰ.以下に引用するのは例によって『日刊ゲンダイ』からである。あんまりゲンダイばかりを引用したくはないのだが、他に私の気を惹くいい記事が見当たらないのだからしょうがない。 ↓
2014年4月14日 掲載
2014年4月14日 掲載
And Yahoo translation. ↓
Ⅰ . It "is from a daily publication gene die" as usual that I quote below. I do not want to quote only a gene die very much, but there is no help for it because I cannot see a good article to attract my mind elsewhere. ↓
= = = = = = = = = = = =
I reflect by lines reading in a singsong manner … Too light "purification ceremony" of the NHK paddy well chairperson
April 14, 2014 publication
It is totally three sentences play /(C) daily publication gene die
I did not think that "three sentences play" of the ドヤ face father was shown by public broadcasting from the daytime of the holiday.
Paddy well Katsuto, chairperson of NHK (71) comes up on information program "best Sunday" of NHK from 11:00 a.m. for 13 days. Astonishment speaks, "was in country of any place by an assumption of office interview" (as for the issue of charity dame), and a voice for the chairperson resignation touches a series of disturbances that appeared one after another from an audience; and "hung serious worry to audiences". I reflected on having caused such a situation and apologized when I apologized deeply.
The paddy well chairperson who I collected it with the black suit figure such as the mourning dress, and appeared. When it was form in response to the question of the woman announcer, and "there was the part which spoke with not being able to arrange the situation of the chairperson and a personal situation because the interview was inexperienced," I vindicated it.
And after checking - - and a matter of course that "confirmed the origin of the public broadcasting, and was thorough" "to carry through voluntary autonomy of the broadcast without being influenced by pressure and the pressure from anyone", and having emphasized;, with "a severe opinion turned to me, realized size of the expectation to public broadcasting". I denied resignation when I achieved responsibilities in a body and soul.
I bend a waist to 90 degrees and there is not the expression and reads the lines without any intonation although I lowered three times of heads deeply. I seemed to do a picture-story show rather than reflection. 12 minutes opening at appearance time. A budget is approved in the Diet in 14, and the person will think, "I finished a purification ceremony", but is not a joke.
■ I edit it conveniently
Mr. Yasusuke Kawasaki of the commentator is disgusted in reporters for former NHK in this way, too.
It "having edited it not to be" "live broadcasting." In other words I edited selfish say conveniently and broadcasted it. I broadcast an interview live if you really think that I am sorry to an audience and should report it in news. It is less than) 小保方 of the (STAP cell article interview
The interest of the nation is concentrated in issue of 800 million yen and 小保方問題 of the Yoshimi Watanabe former head list of Your Party and will feel relieved when an investigation for oneself became loose. It is said that the paddy well chairperson pushes forward personnel affairs plan to fix a person near oneself in the neighborhood steadily in now taking advantage of this chance.
"I am going to replace not only "the large selection" of Wakugawa Takashi that it already became General Manager secretary of the chief of the bureau grade from the deputy director of management plan station but also Masayuki Matsumoto ex-President and a near director". Four directors will greet re-election time next week on 24th, but are whispered when, of these, they change two people to the person of "the pro-paddy well group" (NHK well-informed person)
The man that a body is right stained with "the right for right." An Ada name of "fir tree Jong-un" is good. Whose believing how that "I do not let broadcast reflect my opinion" in such situation. Is spot reporter of NHK really good in this? .
= = = = = = = = = = = =
The above quotation end.
I do not know who said it, but "fir tree Jong-un" who Kim listens, and is disgusted says and is naming indeed. It will be one piece of cushion class by a no words. I know nothing including the thing of each generation NHK's chairperson most, but think that it was unprecedented that fool father of such extreme right took office as a chairperson. This country はしっちゃかめっちゃかだ after Abe returns が pop really. If it keeps such a second banana with public money, it does not seem to be the so far-off future that this country falls.
Ⅱ . a href="http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%9B%86%E5%9B%A3%E7%9A%84%E8%87%AA%E8%A1%9B%E6%A8%A9" right to collective self-defense /a.
I speak well of a body and exchanged "war" with "the peace" that they say, and in other words "self-defense" "is an attack namely use of force". There is not the country which declared, "we go to the foreign countries to fight from now on" in history. It is the thing called "the armed forces" of the countries that all appear to the foreign countries based on the name of "the self-defense" while saying, "I keep peace", and set "an attack".
While it is criticized from the foreign countries when "the Self-Defense Forces exceed it at the point of the equipment from the middle national military", will there be a human being insisting, "it is not a force" that "the Self-Defense Forces are not still the armed forces" at the last moment?
If the United States Armed Forces as friendly forces are exposed to crises Abe pop, "but I speak that I dispatch the Self-Defense Forces in the Diet to Down Under". "It is not a problem of the distance". Abe, Ishiba says, it does not mean that you do not need to make a sortie because it is Down Under. Because you worry when given up by the United States when I say flattery to there and do not win a favor of America, I use the United States for soup stock, and at first do you want to realize [the actual fighting, battle act in overseas deployment of Self-Defense Forces ー foreign countries] above all? I "am these fool じゃねえか"? I think it to be ", but am the metaphor that the extraordinary idea beyond the heavens including the logic of Ishiba who "overlooks it when "I will leave it when the nuclear deployment missile from a certain country aims at the United States over our Japan and flies" because this is not a product for Japan like that" is in a mess. What at first from the mainland U.S. is attacked earlier saying that such a situation temporarily happened the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and U.S. Forces in Japan (of course Japanese citizen もだ!) に is decided!
Because Abe let the fascist who is pop win a great victory, guys finish licking the Japanese citizen public and treat it with contempt.
We can't eat Whales!
以下にMSN産経ニュースから引用する。 ↓
日本、南極海調査捕鯨、敗訴 勢いづくシー・シェパード
2014.4.1 08:01 [地域の話題]
And Yahoo translated in a moment. ↓
My claim is simple and withdraw from the Europe and America-led group which insists on anti-whaling if I want to eat a whale from now on as soon as possible and is. If I do not want to be left out of Europe and America, I cannot but change it to the food culture that the whale gives it up and eats oxen and horses pig chicken etc. like Europe and America.
I quote below it from MSN Sankei news. ↓
= = = = = = = = = = = =
The sea shepherd that Japan, Antarctic Ocean research whaling, a lost case gain momentum
2014.4.1 08:01 [local topic]
Over Antarctic Ocean research whaling of Japan, radical group having high popularity, sea shepherd (SS) spread "a Japanese desegregation busing" in the world and cannot deny the aspect that affected the international public opinion formation. In the background where Japan and Australia in the friendly relationship decided instituting to ICJ, I thought about a whale with "an intellectual animal" and added it to the sense of values of the nation who did not admit that I ate, and there was the process that the anti-whaling exercise that SS set fire to was politicized.
"The Green Party" which was the ruling coalition party publicizes cooperation with the SS in the Labor Party government until 2013 and extends support. The Bob brown former party leader was close to suspect international SS founder putting on the wanted list, pole Watson, and the party demanded it from the Australian government in the government not to charge SS with a civil law.
The SS presented a showy anti-whaling campaign, and nation public opinion to demand to take a strong attitude by Japanese Government at the stage of ten years when Australia brought an action increased every year.
In addition, the United States and the U.K. of the anti-whaling country accept SS as a special non profit organization (NPO) and take the exemption from taxation measures to donations and support a group with a financial aspect. The Netherlands recognized the registry of the protest ship of the SS, and an international encircling net to research whaling was formed.
Is sentenced to it, and suspect Watson considered to stay in the United States gives a statement; a victory speech. "Japan takes the thousands of lives of the huge animal of the sea". I sent a message to supporters when I wanted you to leave a whale alone.
Besides, as for the SS, the tuna fishery targets dolphin fishing of Wakayama outside the frame of an international rule and traditional coastal whaling of each place. In (person concerned with Japanese Government) from whom "a donation increases to if I criticize Japan", I am encouraged by this ICJ judgment and may let activity become active. (Masaaki Sasaki)
= = = = = = = = = = = =
The above, the quotation end.
The right of the whaling is accepted to thing called so-called Inuit (Eskimo) uncivilized race or them.
Will you say that you must not eat a whale because Japan is a civilized country? When our country which was not widespread had dietary habits to breed oxen and horses pig in 欧米程, and to kill it, and to eat, it was traditional dietary habits, food culture to prey on a whale, a dolphin. I joined the treaty that a naan cod says it to, but thinking that such a sophism is used forever is crazy because I come to cannot but insist obstinately when it is ≪ research whaling ≫, and I market the meat which I kill it while insisting on it when "you may catch it because it is not a commercial purpose" and got, and everybody ate whaling in the Antarctic Ocean at a whale meat restaurant to save it.
This is the quibbling that recent Abe is の sophism and the same root pop, and the source does not pass.
It was talked about old days more than another 40 years, but there was a cheap candy shop of the student partner called the K store in front of the front gate of the high school where I went to, and ≪ croquette bread ≫ and ≪ whale cutlet bread ≫ where there was many it to that showcase every day were set.
It was the cooking bread that it was easy which both tore the stomach of the roll, and only sandwiched the ingredient, but even if myself might appear to buy it there for the lunch break because the whalemeat was not a favorite particularly at all, I wanted to choose you towards croquette bread, but naturally the people to love ,≪ gay cutlet ≫ bought ≪ whale cutlet bread ≫ day after day and rolled it up.
It would be once a year in the neighboring small fishing port or drove the group of the dolphin into the midst of the breakwater of the port, and, when it comes to old days, the rider of the fishing boat beat them to death with a harpoon or a club more, and there was a tradition fishery to capture the whole of the group for making a roundup arrest. The sea surface one side of the port has become a crimson blood bath then. I looked only once, but I pictured the terrible sight that I witnessed in a picture then, and it has been stretched by a corridor.
Because "a cow and the pig are stupid, I kill it plenty and may eat, but it must not kill it that they Westerners say now because a whale and a dolphin are smart creatures," but does not have the history that I kill a whale because I only get the fuel oil of the ocean navigation ship like Westerners and others to us once, and threw all away the meat.
On earth where are the grounds whether it may be said that it is cruel matchlessness only I kill a whale, and to eat if they can say?
I can maintain the life of own by everybody killing others as for these ground creatures (except a plant), and eating. Even a sparrow sometimes preys on a cabbage butterfly, and even a crow preys on a dove if I feel like it. This ground creature cuts off that I say that it is cruel I suppress other life, and to eat and cannot but say that it is the aggregate of the creature which all are extremely cruel, and there is not.
以下にMSN産経ニュースから引用する。 ↓
日本、南極海調査捕鯨、敗訴 勢いづくシー・シェパード
2014.4.1 08:01 [地域の話題]
And Yahoo translated in a moment. ↓
My claim is simple and withdraw from the Europe and America-led group which insists on anti-whaling if I want to eat a whale from now on as soon as possible and is. If I do not want to be left out of Europe and America, I cannot but change it to the food culture that the whale gives it up and eats oxen and horses pig chicken etc. like Europe and America.
I quote below it from MSN Sankei news. ↓
= = = = = = = = = = = =
The sea shepherd that Japan, Antarctic Ocean research whaling, a lost case gain momentum
2014.4.1 08:01 [local topic]
Over Antarctic Ocean research whaling of Japan, radical group having high popularity, sea shepherd (SS) spread "a Japanese desegregation busing" in the world and cannot deny the aspect that affected the international public opinion formation. In the background where Japan and Australia in the friendly relationship decided instituting to ICJ, I thought about a whale with "an intellectual animal" and added it to the sense of values of the nation who did not admit that I ate, and there was the process that the anti-whaling exercise that SS set fire to was politicized.
"The Green Party" which was the ruling coalition party publicizes cooperation with the SS in the Labor Party government until 2013 and extends support. The Bob brown former party leader was close to suspect international SS founder putting on the wanted list, pole Watson, and the party demanded it from the Australian government in the government not to charge SS with a civil law.
The SS presented a showy anti-whaling campaign, and nation public opinion to demand to take a strong attitude by Japanese Government at the stage of ten years when Australia brought an action increased every year.
In addition, the United States and the U.K. of the anti-whaling country accept SS as a special non profit organization (NPO) and take the exemption from taxation measures to donations and support a group with a financial aspect. The Netherlands recognized the registry of the protest ship of the SS, and an international encircling net to research whaling was formed.
Is sentenced to it, and suspect Watson considered to stay in the United States gives a statement; a victory speech. "Japan takes the thousands of lives of the huge animal of the sea". I sent a message to supporters when I wanted you to leave a whale alone.
Besides, as for the SS, the tuna fishery targets dolphin fishing of Wakayama outside the frame of an international rule and traditional coastal whaling of each place. In (person concerned with Japanese Government) from whom "a donation increases to if I criticize Japan", I am encouraged by this ICJ judgment and may let activity become active. (Masaaki Sasaki)
= = = = = = = = = = = =
The above, the quotation end.
The right of the whaling is accepted to thing called so-called Inuit (Eskimo) uncivilized race or them.
Will you say that you must not eat a whale because Japan is a civilized country? When our country which was not widespread had dietary habits to breed oxen and horses pig in 欧米程, and to kill it, and to eat, it was traditional dietary habits, food culture to prey on a whale, a dolphin. I joined the treaty that a naan cod says it to, but thinking that such a sophism is used forever is crazy because I come to cannot but insist obstinately when it is ≪ research whaling ≫, and I market the meat which I kill it while insisting on it when "you may catch it because it is not a commercial purpose" and got, and everybody ate whaling in the Antarctic Ocean at a whale meat restaurant to save it.
This is the quibbling that recent Abe is の sophism and the same root pop, and the source does not pass.
It was talked about old days more than another 40 years, but there was a cheap candy shop of the student partner called the K store in front of the front gate of the high school where I went to, and ≪ croquette bread ≫ and ≪ whale cutlet bread ≫ where there was many it to that showcase every day were set.
It was the cooking bread that it was easy which both tore the stomach of the roll, and only sandwiched the ingredient, but even if myself might appear to buy it there for the lunch break because the whalemeat was not a favorite particularly at all, I wanted to choose you towards croquette bread, but naturally the people to love ,≪ gay cutlet ≫ bought ≪ whale cutlet bread ≫ day after day and rolled it up.
It would be once a year in the neighboring small fishing port or drove the group of the dolphin into the midst of the breakwater of the port, and, when it comes to old days, the rider of the fishing boat beat them to death with a harpoon or a club more, and there was a tradition fishery to capture the whole of the group for making a roundup arrest. The sea surface one side of the port has become a crimson blood bath then. I looked only once, but I pictured the terrible sight that I witnessed in a picture then, and it has been stretched by a corridor.
Because "a cow and the pig are stupid, I kill it plenty and may eat, but it must not kill it that they Westerners say now because a whale and a dolphin are smart creatures," but does not have the history that I kill a whale because I only get the fuel oil of the ocean navigation ship like Westerners and others to us once, and threw all away the meat.
On earth where are the grounds whether it may be said that it is cruel matchlessness only I kill a whale, and to eat if they can say?
I can maintain the life of own by everybody killing others as for these ground creatures (except a plant), and eating. Even a sparrow sometimes preys on a cabbage butterfly, and even a crow preys on a dove if I feel like it. This ground creature cuts off that I say that it is cruel I suppress other life, and to eat and cannot but say that it is the aggregate of the creature which all are extremely cruel, and there is not.
Let's translate!
1.I translate Japanese into English.
2.I will be translated into Chinese and Japanese.
3.This feature is something to be translated in a moment in Portuguese Japanese.
And with a help of Yahoo Translation, these Japanene are translated into English in a moment.
I always used "Yahoo translation", but I hit incidentally last night and it was that "then what would happen to Google?" and decided to try translation function of Google today.
So the answer that what I hit for one of translation from Japanese to an English sentence first thing in the morning appeared with following three points aside immediately instantly is a lower English sentence.
1. I translate Japanese into English.
2. I translate Japanese for Chinese.
3. This function translates Japanese into Portuguese instantly.
1. I translate Japanese into English.
2. I will be translated into Chinese and Japanese.
3. This feature is something to be translated in a moment in Portuguese Japanese.
Though that is all; I (as is often the case with Japanese?) At first I had hit the example sentence without the subject, but google labelled the subject as "me" immediately and translated it. I felt it saying that it was good when the English sentence of 2 and 3 might be slightly funny, but, as for it, Yahoo had an impression to be convenient for me because command of English of my own was not great (!) though I did not ask it for the moment. I translated the considerable long sentence which I wrote into English in old days in Yahoo yesterday, but a result appeared in only several minutes. The clear mistake was several places, but they should have been able to clear it promptly among them if there was linguistic ability of the appropriateness to me. In reality, I often just place the answer that came out when I play with it because a sentence becomes rather funny.
By the way, it is because I thought, "it is English first of all" to improve the number of that pulling in customers when it is said why an English sentence is necessary for my site because a visitor is in the blog only of fellow body gin. あっそ. I consider that Yahoo was not able to translate it, and this ← "あっそ" gets it, and Japanese of "あっそ" was the same, but the letter is the place that it was me and wants to do in "Asso". w
1.I translate Japanese into English.
2.I will be translated into Chinese and Japanese.
3.This feature is something to be translated in a moment in Portuguese Japanese.
And with a help of Yahoo Translation, these Japanene are translated into English in a moment.
I always used "Yahoo translation", but I hit incidentally last night and it was that "then what would happen to Google?" and decided to try translation function of Google today.
So the answer that what I hit for one of translation from Japanese to an English sentence first thing in the morning appeared with following three points aside immediately instantly is a lower English sentence.
1. I translate Japanese into English.
2. I translate Japanese for Chinese.
3. This function translates Japanese into Portuguese instantly.
1. I translate Japanese into English.
2. I will be translated into Chinese and Japanese.
3. This feature is something to be translated in a moment in Portuguese Japanese.
Though that is all; I (as is often the case with Japanese?) At first I had hit the example sentence without the subject, but google labelled the subject as "me" immediately and translated it. I felt it saying that it was good when the English sentence of 2 and 3 might be slightly funny, but, as for it, Yahoo had an impression to be convenient for me because command of English of my own was not great (!) though I did not ask it for the moment. I translated the considerable long sentence which I wrote into English in old days in Yahoo yesterday, but a result appeared in only several minutes. The clear mistake was several places, but they should have been able to clear it promptly among them if there was linguistic ability of the appropriateness to me. In reality, I often just place the answer that came out when I play with it because a sentence becomes rather funny.
By the way, it is because I thought, "it is English first of all" to improve the number of that pulling in customers when it is said why an English sentence is necessary for my site because a visitor is in the blog only of fellow body gin. あっそ. I consider that Yahoo was not able to translate it, and this ← "あっそ" gets it, and Japanese of "あっそ" was the same, but the letter is the place that it was me and wants to do in "Asso". w
Yahoo transration Ⅱ.
And this is also Yahoo transration from my Japanese into Yahoo English. ↓
It is to understand it if I think a little, but is the predicate which the word "economic crisis once in 100 years" is incorrect for a metaphor to merely emphasize "a rare situation", and phrase = of the fashion that it is just relaxed day after day in the media, and is used is uncritical, and is incoherent by guess. It becomes the groundless about さが relief of the media from such a place.
Naturally there is the worldwide economic crisis before "Great War" (called in this way before ← World War II broke out) where world 30 countries participated in as a stage if I say "100 years ago" now because it is the early 20th century of the World War I previous night, but such a thing is not at all possible before and after World War II that then was caught between whether there was neither what crisis nor the confusion, and とか where rather "is unprecedented" is that "first in history of human", とかいった words meet far a law of nature with "one of unprecedentedness" to describe this global recession.
So I hit the center of the U.K. "Industrial Revolution" that received the back of (14c-17c) in Europe in Japan in "the Age of Geographical Discovery" in the latter period during the Edo era since I say once in "100 years" how about yet in about 1800 when I sailed it up for 100 years, and this is the times of the beginning of "the economy size expansion" let alone "an economic crisis" adversely. Once in "where 100 years" is reason. On earth, using the groundless "predicate of such the "obscurantism" thing," what kind of; is proper; I doubt whether can discuss it for me very. ・ Therefore * Try to think about some neighborhood today. ぁそ.
= = = = = = = = = = = =
* The crisis once in ・" 100 years sequel to?
↑ By the way, "it is so-called subprime loan that triggered this worldwide economic crisis of America," but is the reason that is a "debt" thing without 紛 う 事 since I say a loan. But it is explained considerably carefully when the mechanism that it is scraped up and changes myself into excellent "financial products" all too soon, and 席捲 came to make the world economy on a large scale goes to here.
Even if there was a person not to yet know it well even if I read this, I think that rather the person is a person having proper sense of values. It is the economic system entirety as of ような "buying and selling emptiness by emptiness" to be abnormal. A person engaging in primary industries becomes poverty more and more and is hard to possibly consent it to me that the economic system that the human being who only moves data instantly becomes a millionaire is proper. I cannot help that the sigh that got more like the kind deep emotion that "has come as distinction to the place where my monetary economy should come to at last" appears whether you conclude with "the ruin of the principle of financial capital" in this.
It is thought that 通底 is a social phenomenon doing where it is that "The Capital" of curl Marx is reevaluated in Germany, and "a crab-canning boat" of Takiji Kobayashi is read again in Japan.
So it is the point where this writer is severe as for the interesting one when "it does not seem, but is the ringleader who charged to here after having known all Takenaka absolutely to have understood the mechanism of the market economy that Koizumi is represented by this sub prime", and condemnation does Takenaka. It may be said that Takenaka is strange priest Rasputin まがいの atrocious character indeed.
= = = = = = = = = = = =
cf. World War I.
cf. World War I (since 2000). ← here is filled with articles to let you read very much.
cf. World War II.
= = = = = = = = = = = =
* The outlines of ← here grow well in the 100th year. I heard it in Ensho for the late sixth generation, but this seems to do a story of Beicho Katsura in a text for the upward man of influence, third generation.
Well, when I say what kind of story it is: ↓
It was the clerk of a certain big store () known for a straitlaced person, but, in fact, played in secret in the back. Unfortunately, bump into each other with a wealthy supporter of a Buddhist temple, and is upset when nominate a geisha, and do grand boating (cherry blossom viewing) (for the master meeting each other every day), and "this is strange with 久 しゅうございます"; say hello.
I think whether the clerk failed in a shop because of a clerk, and the master doubts it whether it is what, or even a big hole does not open in the account book of the shop in the masters and spends both night when it is not slept together.
Because "I play one's solid-mindedness to a wealthy supporter of a Buddhist temple who the clerk called by the master the next day checks an account book, and wiped out doubt, there is not any problem, but, as for two, the descents that ・・" and one are corrupt, and are admonished increase in the punch line in a climax before and deepen trust, but, "however, when まああんさんけったいな says hello and depended," I am said to be it, and "here thought with doom" the words that the clerk returns, and it is with a fall afterwards".
A lot of characters are the human-nature stories that grew well.
= = = = = = = = = = = =
But "I 've met you here 100 years later!" is a fixed expression used by storytelling. "Resign" yourself in a fixed form phrase to give off when revenge found harm and mean.
("I met here, but seem to follow with "sinter of difficulty of encountering Buddha's teaching, rare thing (fig)" after the 100th year".) "The difficulty of encountering Buddha's teaching" appearing from the knothole of the chip of wood which loosens while the inconvenient tortoise of eyes swims in the sea. "The sinter of the rare thing" is 3,000 rare flowers blooming only once a year with the flower in the legend to come out to Buddhist Scriptures;).
A clerk was caught in secret play and resigned myself "It's all over". w
= = = = = = = = = = = =
It is to understand it if I think a little, but is the predicate which the word "economic crisis once in 100 years" is incorrect for a metaphor to merely emphasize "a rare situation", and phrase = of the fashion that it is just relaxed day after day in the media, and is used is uncritical, and is incoherent by guess. It becomes the groundless about さが relief of the media from such a place.
Naturally there is the worldwide economic crisis before "Great War" (called in this way before ← World War II broke out) where world 30 countries participated in as a stage if I say "100 years ago" now because it is the early 20th century of the World War I previous night, but such a thing is not at all possible before and after World War II that then was caught between whether there was neither what crisis nor the confusion, and とか where rather "is unprecedented" is that "first in history of human", とかいった words meet far a law of nature with "one of unprecedentedness" to describe this global recession.
So I hit the center of the U.K. "Industrial Revolution" that received the back of (14c-17c) in Europe in Japan in "the Age of Geographical Discovery" in the latter period during the Edo era since I say once in "100 years" how about yet in about 1800 when I sailed it up for 100 years, and this is the times of the beginning of "the economy size expansion" let alone "an economic crisis" adversely. Once in "where 100 years" is reason. On earth, using the groundless "predicate of such the "obscurantism" thing," what kind of; is proper; I doubt whether can discuss it for me very. ・ Therefore * Try to think about some neighborhood today. ぁそ.
= = = = = = = = = = = =
* The crisis once in ・" 100 years sequel to?
↑ By the way, "it is so-called subprime loan that triggered this worldwide economic crisis of America," but is the reason that is a "debt" thing without 紛 う 事 since I say a loan. But it is explained considerably carefully when the mechanism that it is scraped up and changes myself into excellent "financial products" all too soon, and 席捲 came to make the world economy on a large scale goes to here.
Even if there was a person not to yet know it well even if I read this, I think that rather the person is a person having proper sense of values. It is the economic system entirety as of ような "buying and selling emptiness by emptiness" to be abnormal. A person engaging in primary industries becomes poverty more and more and is hard to possibly consent it to me that the economic system that the human being who only moves data instantly becomes a millionaire is proper. I cannot help that the sigh that got more like the kind deep emotion that "has come as distinction to the place where my monetary economy should come to at last" appears whether you conclude with "the ruin of the principle of financial capital" in this.
It is thought that 通底 is a social phenomenon doing where it is that "The Capital" of curl Marx is reevaluated in Germany, and "a crab-canning boat" of Takiji Kobayashi is read again in Japan.
So it is the point where this writer is severe as for the interesting one when "it does not seem, but is the ringleader who charged to here after having known all Takenaka absolutely to have understood the mechanism of the market economy that Koizumi is represented by this sub prime", and condemnation does Takenaka. It may be said that Takenaka is strange priest Rasputin まがいの atrocious character indeed.
= = = = = = = = = = = =
cf. World War I.
cf. World War I (since 2000). ← here is filled with articles to let you read very much.
cf. World War II.
= = = = = = = = = = = =
* The outlines of ← here grow well in the 100th year. I heard it in Ensho for the late sixth generation, but this seems to do a story of Beicho Katsura in a text for the upward man of influence, third generation.
Well, when I say what kind of story it is: ↓
It was the clerk of a certain big store () known for a straitlaced person, but, in fact, played in secret in the back. Unfortunately, bump into each other with a wealthy supporter of a Buddhist temple, and is upset when nominate a geisha, and do grand boating (cherry blossom viewing) (for the master meeting each other every day), and "this is strange with 久 しゅうございます"; say hello.
I think whether the clerk failed in a shop because of a clerk, and the master doubts it whether it is what, or even a big hole does not open in the account book of the shop in the masters and spends both night when it is not slept together.
Because "I play one's solid-mindedness to a wealthy supporter of a Buddhist temple who the clerk called by the master the next day checks an account book, and wiped out doubt, there is not any problem, but, as for two, the descents that ・・" and one are corrupt, and are admonished increase in the punch line in a climax before and deepen trust, but, "however, when まああんさんけったいな says hello and depended," I am said to be it, and "here thought with doom" the words that the clerk returns, and it is with a fall afterwards".
A lot of characters are the human-nature stories that grew well.
= = = = = = = = = = = =
But "I 've met you here 100 years later!" is a fixed expression used by storytelling. "Resign" yourself in a fixed form phrase to give off when revenge found harm and mean.
("I met here, but seem to follow with "sinter of difficulty of encountering Buddha's teaching, rare thing (fig)" after the 100th year".) "The difficulty of encountering Buddha's teaching" appearing from the knothole of the chip of wood which loosens while the inconvenient tortoise of eyes swims in the sea. "The sinter of the rare thing" is 3,000 rare flowers blooming only once a year with the flower in the legend to come out to Buddhist Scriptures;).
A clerk was caught in secret play and resigned myself "It's all over". w
= = = = = = = = = = = =
今から「百年前」と言ったら第一次世界大戦前夜の二十世紀初頭であるから、世界の30ヶ国が参加した「Great War」(←第二次大戦が勃発する以前はこう呼ばれた)の前段階として当然世界的経済危機はあったろうが、では間に挟まれた第二次世界大戦の前後には何の危機も混乱もなかったのかと言えば、まったくそんなことはあり得ないわけで、今回の世界的不況を形容するにはむしろ「前代未聞の」とか「未曾有の」とか「人類史上初めての」とかいった言葉の方が遥かに理に適っているのである。
↑ さて今回の世界的経済危機の引き金となったアメリカのいわゆる「サブプライム・ローン」だが、ローンというからには紛う事なき「借金」そのものなわけである。だが、それがかき集められいつの間にか立派な「金融商品」に化けて大々的に世界経済を席捲してしまうに至ったカラクリがここへ行くとかなり丁寧に説明されている。
cf.第一次大戦(since 2000).←ここはなかなか読ませる記事に充ちている。
で、どういう噺かと言うと : ↓
今から「百年前」と言ったら第一次世界大戦前夜の二十世紀初頭であるから、世界の30ヶ国が参加した「Great War」(←第二次大戦が勃発する以前はこう呼ばれた)の前段階として当然世界的経済危機はあったろうが、では間に挟まれた第二次世界大戦の前後には何の危機も混乱もなかったのかと言えば、まったくそんなことはあり得ないわけで、今回の世界的不況を形容するにはむしろ「前代未聞の」とか「未曾有の」とか「人類史上初めての」とかいった言葉の方が遥かに理に適っているのである。
↑ さて今回の世界的経済危機の引き金となったアメリカのいわゆる「サブプライム・ローン」だが、ローンというからには紛う事なき「借金」そのものなわけである。だが、それがかき集められいつの間にか立派な「金融商品」に化けて大々的に世界経済を席捲してしまうに至ったカラクリがここへ行くとかなり丁寧に説明されている。
cf.第一次大戦(since 2000).←ここはなかなか読ませる記事に充ちている。
で、どういう噺かと言うと : ↓
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