
Ichiro Ozawa goes?

以下は【日刊ゲンダイ】からの引用です。 ↓ 与党からも待望論…小沢一郎が引退覚悟で仕掛ける野党再編 2014年4月21日 掲載 意気軒高/(C)日刊ゲンダイ  政治家として、最後の大仕事になるのか。「生活の党」の小沢一郎代表(71)が政界再編を仕掛ける可能性が出てきた。  最近、小沢にとって、懸案にひと区切りつく出来事があった。今月3日、陸山会事件で起訴された3人の元秘書と一堂に会したのである。事件以来、初めてのことだ。  池田元秘書は税理士試験に合格し、大久保元秘書も新しい仕事が決まりそうだという。ただひとり裁判を続ける石川元秘書は、今春から法政大学大学院に入学。その入学式の夜、白金のイタリアンバーで集まり、ワインを空けたという。  元秘書が前向きに頑張っていることが分かり、小沢も肩の荷が下りたはずだ。これで、思う存分、政治活動に打ち込むことができる。野党再編に本格的に動き出すのではないか。 「ここへきて“小沢待望論”も高まっています。バラバラの野党をまとめ上げるだけの腕力がある政治家は、小沢氏以外にいないからです。民主党の中には、今も『小沢とだけは絶対に組みたくない』と言っている人たちがいますが、じゃあ、そうやって小沢氏を毛嫌いしている連中が野党をまとめられるのか。実は、与党の公明党からも小沢氏に期待する声が出ている。安倍政権の暴走を止めるためには、与党でできることは限られていて、野党に頑張って欲しいのでしょう。野党がまとまれば、政権にダメージを与える方法はいくらでもあるのに、今の野党はあまりに情けない。そこで、小沢氏の出番というわけです」(政治ジャーナリスト・鈴木哲夫氏)  野党再編を成し遂げるためなら、小沢本人は生活の党から離党し、無所属になることも考えている、という話も伝わっている。もし“小沢アレルギー”によって野党再編が進まないのなら、自分を犠牲にするつもりらしい。野党再編が実現すれば、今期かぎりで“政界引退”してもかまわない覚悟だという。  実際、小沢が離党すれば、「生活」と「民主」の“合併”も一気に進むだろう。そこを軸に野党結集を実現させるわけだ。 「小沢さんは、自分が前面に出るとメディアのバッシングを受けることも分かっている。先の都知事選でも『自分が表に出れば、うまくいくものもいかなくなる』と言って、後方支援に徹しました。今さら総理になりたいわけでもないし、もし自分の存在が足かせになって、野党再編が進まないのなら、一線から退いてもかまわないと考えているでしょう。今はただ、日本の民主主義のために最後の大仕事をしたいという境地だと思います」(鈴木哲夫氏=前出) 「壊し屋」の異名を取った小沢には、安倍自民の独裁政治を壊して欲しいものだ。  以上引用終わり。  小沢さんもまあ、周囲のアホたちに気を使って大変だね。 「壊し屋」ったってそれは若い頃の話でしょう?  公明党が小沢さんに期待している?!って、これは眉唾もんだな。ここは維新やみんなの割り込み合流が怖くて震え上がっている【与党】だぜ。期待しているのならいっそ連立を解消したらいいのだ。  こういうわけで【1強多弱】は全部駄目!だから、最大多数たる【全国の無党派層】は頑張って、一致団結してこれら歴史の汚物全部をひっくるめてゴミ箱へ放り込んで頂戴!! Yahoo translation ↓ It is quotation from [daily publication Gendai] as follows. ↓ It is an expectation theory from the ruling party … The opposition party reorganization that Ichiro Ozawa sets for retirement readiness April 21, 2014 publication Spirit eaves high /(C) daily publication gene die As a politician, does it become the last big job? The possibility that representative Ichiro Ozawa (71) of "the party of the life" set the political reorganization came out. For Ozawa, there was an event to point out a person end in a pending problem recently. On this month 3, I gathered in a hall with three former secretaries under an accusation of Mt. land society case. Since a case, it is the first thing. Secretary Hajime Ikeda passes a licensed tax accountant examination, and it is said that new work seems to be decided on Secretary great Hajimu Kubo. One Secretary Gen Ishikawa whom I continue trying only enters the Hosei University graduate school from this spring. It is said that an Italian bar of platinum drank up a meeting, wine at the night of the entrance ceremony. I understood that a former secretary did his/her best forward, and Ozawa should have taken a load off its mind. In this, I can devote myself to a political activity to one's heart's content. It may begin to work for opposition party reorganization in earnest. "I come to here, and "the Ozawa expectation theory increases", too". This is because Ozawa is the only a politician with the physical strength that only settles scattered opposition parties. In the Democratic Party, there are people telling "still to want to never pair with only Ozawa", then are people having an antipathy to Ozawa in that way that an opposition party is gathered up? In fact, a voice to expect of Ozawa comes out of the New Komeito of the ruling party. It is limited that I can do it in the ruling party to stop reckless driving of the Abe Administration and will want the opposition party to try it hard. If an opposition party is gathered up, as for the method to give damage in the government, in the present opposition party, it is too deplorable to be how much. Therefore it is a turn of Ozawa (political journalist, Tetsuo Suzuki) Ozawa leaves the party of the life in order to accomplish opposition party reorganization, and both becoming independent and the story thinking about reach it. I seem to intend to sacrifice oneself if opposition party reorganization does not advance by "an allergy to Ozawa". If opposition party reorganization is realized, it is said that I am determined to be allowed to make "politics retirement" at a limit in this term. Actually, "life" and "the merger" of "the democracy" will advance at a stretch if Ozawa leaves the party. I realize the opposition party concentration centering on there. "Ozawa understands that I receive bashing of the media when oneself appears on the front". Even a former election for governor of Tokyo said, "the thing to succeed in if oneself appeared on the face did not go" and put my heart and soul into logistical support. If I do not want to become the Prime Minister now, and one's existence becomes a hindrance, and opposition party reorganization does not advance, I will think that you may get out of a line. I think that it is the state that I want to merely make the last big job for Japanese democracy now (appearance before Tetsuo Suzuki =) I want Ozawa who took the nickname of "the breakage shop" to disturb dictatorship of the Abe Liberal Democratic Party. The above quotation end. I care about Ozawa さんもまあ, neighboring fools and am serious. Will it be a story of the "breakage shop" ったってそれは youth? Does the New Komeito expect it of Ozawa? Hey, this is a suspicious thing. It is where I interrupt it and shudder with for fear of junction of revolution and all here [the ruling party]. I should break off a coalition rather if I expect it. That's why therefore [unaffiliated voters of the whole country] as the greatest multitude tries it hard, and no use, please all throw [a little over one many weak] into the trash box with all the filth of these history included in unison!

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